- This Blacklist is not to be confused with our wiki-wide blacklist. This is specifically for TV-MA content, as well as the wiki's official Discord server.
- If you are caught breaking any of the regulations below, you will receive exceptional warnings and you will be blocked depending on the severity. Check in with an admin if you have specific questions.
- Below are the following regulations:
# Syntax: You can use most curse words, HOWEVER you '''MUST''' have the TV-MA template and the profanity templates available on the series and episode page. ALL racial and sexist slurs are NOT allowed and they will never be for obvious reasons. If you are caught using racial slurs, you will be exceptionally warned. coon cracker (and any variation) dyke faggot gringo (and any variation) heeb ho hoe (when used to describe a woman) honkey jap kike lesbo nigg*r (and any variation) poon puto ruski skank skeet slut spic thot (when used to describe a woman) wop (and any variation) #-- #